Posted on 6/12/2017
As the temperatures rise, we become increasingly more dependent on our car’s air conditioning system to keep on cool, from our drive to work to our vacation adventures. Nothing will ruin a summer road trip faster than cranking up the air and realizing something is broken! Before it gets to that point, remember that your car’s a/c needs regular maintenance too. Help keep your air system in good shape with these tips: Run Your System Regularly Even when it’s not unbearably hot inside your car, make sure to run the a/c system for a few minutes each week. Turn the temperature to the lowest setting and the fans to high. This helps keep the system parts well lubricated and help make sure your parts are working properly. It can also help you detect an issue before you hit prime a/c weather. Check Your Filters Your cabin a/c filter catches the dirt and debris that could clog your vehicle’s air conditioning system. Even though it’s doing it’s job, when that debris builds up ... read more
Posted on 3/31/2017

With all of the trees blooming the pollen has been piling up on your car and it is important to take extra good care of your car in the spring. While most people find the yellow film to just be annoying, many don’t know the damage pollen can do to your cars’ interior and exterior. Simply wiping your windows off or spraying the car down with water won’t do the trick. This can scratch the paint and eat away at it as pollen has an acidic effect. Here are 5 Tips to Protect Your Car from Pollen. Rinse & wash– with pollen being so small, it can hide in every nook and cranny of your car. Taking your car to a Car Wash or by hand will ensure that you not only get rid of the pollen but wash away the effects it can have on your cars’ exterior. Even though you may have to fit a few extra washes in during the Spring months, your car will be in better condition in the long run ... read more
Posted on 9/25/2016

As summer fades into a cool fall breeze, you can expect to see more and more rainfall. Are you and your car ready for the coming storms? Here are some tips to get your car in tiptop shape to keep you and your family safe this rainy season. Check your Windshield Wipers Driving with bad windshield wipers can be the difference between seeing the road or seeing a blur of lights. Old or worn down windshield wipers can actually make seeing through heavy rain worse than not using them at all. If pieces of rubber are detached from the main wiper, it’s time to replace them. Check your tread It’s important to check your tires before every season, especially when you are getting ready for fall and winter. Having a proper amount of tire tread can help keep you on the road during difficult conditions, whether it’s snow or rain. What is the proper amount of tread? You should have no less than 4/32 i ... read more
Posted on 11/2/2015
Travel season is coming! According to AAA, last year 46 million people hit the road for Thanksgiving while nearly double that traveled for the holiday season! With that many people driving, there are bound to be problems and issues that arise when traveling. Before you jump in the car this year, here are some emergency items that you should keep in your car just in case. Car Phone Charger This may seem like a no brainer, but back up phone chargers are a must have. Portable USB phone chargers are also a great help in case your car battery dies. Jumper Cables/Jump-Start Kit Cold temperatures can wreck havoc on your car battery, especially if you haven’t checked your battery in a while. Flash Light You might be saying “there’s an app for that.” Well, yes, but the real thing can be more powerful and last longer. Make sure you have backup batteries as well. Water and Snacks This is especially helpful if you’re traveling on longer trips and help resist ... read more